Your digital platform with applications that support your path to decarbonisation.

Provides your crew with a unique voyage reporting tool focusing on user friendliness and the requirements set out by the different regulations. Its straight forward approach reduces errors in the reporting by logical checks and pre-settings before those will be reported.
Validates the data provided by your vessels, identifies fully automatic errors within the vessels reporting and ensures that all data used for processing in the subsequent schemes (DCS, MRV, EU ETS, etc.) will calculate ratings and emissions based on correct values.
Gives you a clear picture with regard to your vessel and your fleet performance in terms of emissions. Furthermore, it estimates related ratings and emissions for next voyage legs by taking into account your historic performance data in our voyage predictor.
Provides you with on overview regarding ratings (e.g. CII) and emissions (e.g. for EU ETS) for voyages or selected periods, which are summarized in statements that are based on the validated data, ensuring that you and your business partners are valuing true information.
In cooperation with our partners you will be guided to your overview regarding GHG allowances, to keep track and ensure that all duties from regulations are covered and fulfilled.